Incoming: Dragged into Sunlight - Widowmaker (UK Extreme Doom)

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Incoming: Dragged into Sunlight - Widowmaker (UK Extreme Doom)

A widowmaker is, as the name suggests, fatal. It is the rupturing of a major coronary artery inside the human heart the failing artery often causes massive trauma leading to an almost certain sudden and agonising death.
In 2010, DRAGGED INTO SUNLIGHT began the composition of a trilogy by the same apt title.

Produced by Tom Dung, Widowmaker comprises three recording sessions spanning from 2010 to 2012 detailing avast experimental soundscape saturated with overtones of misery, depression and isolation. It is an enduring and improvisational devotion to orchestrated madness and a plethora of extremity from beginning to end.

Widowmaker is a new flesh for DRAGGED INTO SUNLIGHT and yet another contorted skin mask whilst not a direct follow up to Hatred for Mankind, Widowmaker bears the signatories of DRAGGED INTO SUNLIGHTS aural manipulation of extreme music to date.

The recording demonstrates a heavier louder and slower remit to the band's crushing demolition which has seen them destroy stages across the world. In 2012 alone the band have brought their unique sonic ritual to roadburn festival in Holland, SWR festival in Portugal and the infamous Maryland Deathfest.

With a sound akin to 'snapping the bones of the weak and crushing their shrunken skulls', Widowmaker spans 40 minutes of continuous music.

Combining yet another dynamic set of influences for this elusive and venomous concept. Quite simply, Widowmaker transgresses boundaries, it is the transition from man to wolf.

Widowmaker captures a rabid blend somewhere between burning witch and disembowelment. This is just about as hideous. Ugly, and soaked in misery as it gets. As to what can be expected from a live performance, the band cite an inauguration of everything heavier than everything else. With live visuals by Dwid Hellion, the band anticipate performing Widowmaker in its entirety.

With a hideously awkward yet ingenious digipack layout from Norwegian occult artist, Sindre Foss Skancke. Widowmaker resembles many a mid-90s sludge/doom release, such as those spewed out by FLOOR, EYEHATEGOD and MUGWART.