Parasitic Ejaculation / Party Cannon / Gorevent / Bloodscribe - Cannons of Gore Soaked, Blood Drenched, Parasitic Sickness (CD)

Parasitic Ejaculation / Party Cannon / Gorevent / Bloodscribe - Cannons of Gore Soaked, Blood Drenched, Parasitic Sickness (CD)

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A freight train is heading your way; no one can stop it! Twelve new tracks of headbanging, fist-throwing, circle pitting, heaviness, from four top-notch acts from around the globe; PARASITIC EJACULATION (US), PARTY CANNON (UK), GOREVENT (JP), BLOODSCRIBE (US). Featuring album art by Andreas Christanetoff of Armaada ART (ACRANIUS, ABOMINABLE PUTRIDITY, ATOLL), Cannons of Gore... offers 3 new tracks by each outfit. It's bound to become one of your favorite releases of 2019.

Track listing

  1. Parasitic Ejaculation - Pooling Wretched Stagnation
  2. Parasitic Ejaculation - Amalgamating Beings of Deformity
  3. Parasitic Ejaculation - Grande Coffee with a Smegma Toast
  4. Party Cannon - Tactical Chunder
  5. Party Cannon - Naked Beach Frenzy
  6. Party Cannon - Electric Soldier Porygon
  7. Gorevent - BxTxS
  8. Gorevent - Time of Explosion
  9. Gorevent - Meat Bullet Yamato
  10. Bloodscribe - Indoctrination
  11. Bloodscribe - Digression
  12. Bloodscribe - Cultivated by Resentment