Dehuman - Graveyard of Eden (LP)

Dehuman - Graveyard of Eden (LP)

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Three years after the release of their celebrated debut full-length, Black Throne of all Creation followed by no less than four European tours with AGATHOCLES and MASTER (among others), Belgium's DEHUMAN are back with Graveyard of Eden, a raging and ravaging monster of a second full-length produced at both the Blackout (ENTHRONED, EMPTINESS) and Sainte Marthe (ARKHON INFAUSTUS, DEEP IN HATE, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION) studios. When Black Throne of all Creation was a brilliant mix of old-school death metal influences with a modern sound and feel, Graveyard multiplies the effect by 666: as fast as the fastest thrash / death (poke SLAYER, VADER, MALEVOLENT CREATION), as brutal as 90's Brutal death metal could be (poke early SUFFOCATION), as catchy and addictive as a great band can be in terms of song-writing (poke early-PESTILENCE, DEATH, MORGOTH, early-MORBID ANGEL), DEHUMAN is definitely the best of both worlds and, as is, quite unique in its genre: old-school yet absolutely modern, raging, fast and brutal, yet with a sense of absolute epicness few are able to match (zillions of riffs, each faster than the previous one, yet forming coherent and absolutely catchy tunes). DEHUMAN are, despite their young age (they're in their 20's) and Graveyard of Eden is only their second full-length, definitely one of a kind in an ocean of clones and copycats plaguing the death metal scene: out of any trend (old-school? Brutal? Slamming? Fuck that! They're upper class classic death metal of the extremely best kind!), with a personality of their very own and a collective talent in song-crafting few can pretend matching. Thunderous drums, heavy as fuck breaks, roaring bass, lightning fast guitars: everything here screams RAGE!. Beware, Eden, DEHUMAN's the new evil god and it's after you, building your graveyard angel corpse after angel corpse!


Track listing

  1. Sepulcher of Malevolence
  2. Crypts of Blood
  3. Obedience to Pestilence
  4. Invocation of Sublime Death
  5. Cries of Nihility
  6. Temple of Lust and Fire
  7. Cerebro Veneficium
  8. Ov Madness
  9. Goddess of Sins