Leptotrichia / Amputated - Enjoy the Slaughter / Up to Our Nuts in Guts (CD)

Leptotrichia / Amputated - Enjoy the Slaughter / Up to Our Nuts in Guts (CD)

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Leptotrichia (Belgium) "Enjoy The Slaughter" - brutal death metal, influenced by SUFFOCATION and ABORTED. Amputated "Up To Our Nuts In Guts" killer UK death metal featuring members of DESECRATION and CREPITATION!


Track listing

  1. Leptotrichia - Peg Out in Gastric Juice
  2. Leptotrichia - A Lost Lamb
  3. Leptotrichia - Surviving the Fourfold Fitted Fistfuck
  4. Leptotrichia - Hail Bloodred Massacre
  5. Amputated - Love 'em and Cleave 'em
  6. Amputated - Amputated
  7. Amputated - Morbid Mutilation
  8. Amputated - Raped with a Jackhammer
  9. Amputated - Semtex Enema